Tuesday, January 10, 2023

ATOAI announces Disaster Management Training Course for Adventure Guides in collaboration with NDRF

The Adventure Tour Operators Association of India has always believed in promoting adventure tourism in a safe and sustainable manner and aims to create this awareness and mitigate risk in adventure tourism activities. ATOAI is delighted to announce that the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) is organizing a Disaster Management Course for ATOAI Adventure Guides. 40 adventure guides with a minimum experience of 5 years will be trained by NDRF from 30th January 2022 to 4th February 2023 at 8 Battalion, NDRF, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.


The Adventure guides will be trained on:

Disaster Management

Search & Rescue

First Aid & CPR.

Fire Safety

Water Emergencies

Snake & Animal Bite

Group Exercise / Leadership

Miscellaneous & General Topics

This course will be a force multiplier in providing rescue and support during natural disasters in our country and will also up skill adventure professionals / guides in providing safer adventure experiences to adventure tourists. ATOAI believes that such initiatives will go a long way in bringing India on top of the preferred adventure tourism destinations in the world. Adventure guides doing the program will also be made honorary wardens for keeping ‘the great outdoors’ pristine and ensure that the ATOAI safety guidelines are followed in letter and spirit.

from Tourism Breaking News https://ift.tt/y4QbGsq

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